I am a student at Goldfields primary. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note.... some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Covid-19 Recount

 Hello, I know you have been begging me to tell you about my childhood, so here is one thing that I think you would be very interested in, especially you Frankie.

Back in 2020 when I was only 10, there was an outbreak of a disease called Covid-19 more commonly known as coronavirus. It  started in China in a place called Wuhan. 

In China, it was starting to get under control, but then one person who had Covid-19 without realising it, went overseas and without realising it spread it  to another person and that person spread it to another person and so on. 

The countries that were most affected by it were Spain and Italy but leading the way was definitely the USA with over 100,000 cases and deaths a day.

Our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern didn’t let that happen. We were quick to close the borders which meant that no cases could get into the country. Closing the borders quickly decreased the number of cases, but we were still getting more cases than we wanted so we went into level 4 lockdown.

Level 4 lockdown was the strictest of the levels .  We couldn’t go to friends houses and everything was closed except essential services which were basically doctors, hospitals and supermarkets. We had to stay 2 metres apart, except from people in your bubble (your immediate family). Only one person from your family could go into a shop at a time (not that there were any open of course) and if there were too many people inside other people who wanted to get in had to wait outside in a line.

Eventually we got down to no new cases for 2 days and we got to go down to level 3 which was a little different but mainly the same. More than one person could go into a shop at a time and people were starting to prepare to reopen their businesses.

That is all that I have got time for today. Remember that I love you and I will see you next week.

Love Granny

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

My cheerful avatar

This is my avatar. It represents me because I have shortish blonde hair and blue eyes. I also have a jacket like this (but blue.) My favourite headband is one exactly the same but it's not pink it's  purple.(glad it's not blue?) I really like wearing this type and colour of pants with the jacket.

Monday, 23 September 2019



This is my tangram shape that I made. We had to make and take photos of them and send those photos to ourselves. We had to make our favourite shape and stick it into our maths book.
We started off with seven pieces in a square and we had to colour them in. I made three different cats but this is my favourite out of the three.

Covid-19 Recount

  Hello, I know you have been begging me to tell you about my childhood, so here is one thing that I think you would be very interested in, ...